This evening, Chief Trickster at Coyote Network News, Caroline Casey, the host and “weaver of context” of the Visionary Activist Show (critique and solution) on KPFA/Pacifica for 26+ years, now in her 20th+ year at Bioneers, accompanied by the brilliant, eclectic violinist Briana Di Mara, will proffer her inimitable astro*mytho*political*cultural meta narratives, whereby to quicken our endogenous indigenuity, to set all of our collaborative skills humming. And skidding in to cahoot, long-time ally Amikaeyla Gaston, on drums, “sacred ethnomusicologist/song keeper of chants from indigenous traditions around the world…Confluencing of Allies!” The more words, myths, metaphors – the more ways to cahoot with our Flora Fauna Fungi Kin. Democratic Animism Now! Language crafting – that our words stories be in accord with our dedicated hearts! Drawing on the power of majnoun (“yearning for the Divine” ) – let’s dissolve cruelty and dominance out of humanity’s repertoire. ”